International MBA: International Logistics & Supply Chain Management

Key Facts

DegreeInternational MBA (Master of Business Administration) and Master or MBA depending on first university
Study startSeptember
Application deadline

Depending on partner university

at IGC: March 31, 2025

AccreditationHSB, EFMD-accredited and accreditation of partner university
Depending on partner university
Duration & Type3 semesters / Full-time on Campus
Group sizemax. 25 students
Tuition fees

approx. €17,000, depending on partner university
IGC, specialization: €9,350 (payment plan)

* plus €340 student- and semesterticket at IGC per semester. Discount options

Study in Bremen – a thriving logistics hub in Northern Germany

After your core studies (first semester) at one of the three partner universities within our network, you can specialize in International Logistics & Supply Chain Management at the IGC in Bremen. Not only will you graduate as an logistics expert, but you will also benefit from our diverse student body by developing essential intercultural competencies. During your specialization at IGC, you will learn how to create, analyze and control logistics networks and gain an understanding of the individual processes. Due to its proximity to the sea, the University is able to offer a special module with a focus on maritime transport and the logistics industry. IGC's versatile educational methods include excursions, business simulation games and guest lectures - creating an ideal learning environment.


International Accreditation

Since September 2022 our International MBA is internationally accredited! Founded in 1972, EFMD is a global, non-profit, membership-based organization dedicated to management development. It is recognized worldwide as an accrediting body for business schools, business school programs and corporate universities. Our international MBA program is only the second MBA program in Germany to receive this accreditation seal and can thus count itself among the world's best MBA programs.



Your International MBA perfectly prepares you for all positions in logistics in international companies.

International graduates can prepare their next career step thanks to Germany's Job-Seeking Visa.



  • 2 degrees: MBA & Master
  • Fast track option: 2 countries, 1 year
  • Choice from different specializations
  • International network
  • Free German language course (optional)
  • International Student Assistance (ISA)

Course of studies

After your core studies at a partner university you will specialize in "International Logistics & Supply Chain Management" at the IGC. Here, you will also write your thesis.


Online Info Session on January 14, 2025

Study in Bremen, Germany: You've got questions? We've got the answers!

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Program Coordination
Usanie Dennerlein
T: +49 176 151 40 305


Business Analytics

This module aims to introduce students to business analytics concepts required to understand contemporary business challenges. Analytical techniques will be applied to assess and resolve some of the complex challenges faced by business professionals in global industries.


Global Strategic Analysis

In this core module, students understand strategic business planning: This module introduces students to global business challenges and the methods used to address them, through careful review of effective managerial techniques, in order to ensure a winning international business strategy.


Global Marketing Strategies

You will gain skill and confidence in developing strong marketing plans for global business. The course addresses marketing performance in a global context; assesses differences in country environments; and applies techniques for international market segmentation, entry strategies, risk analysis, and comprehensive marketing plans.


Human Resource Management in the Global Environment

Students investigate critical human resource management (HRM) topics within this module. The aim is to examine relevant elements of HRM as they relate to global business, organizational policies, and standard management practices.

Multinational Financial Management

The goal of the course is to train highly effective global managers who have advanced analytical and decision-making skills essential for conducting successful business across borders.


International Leadership (elective)

The main objective of the module Leadership is to give the course participants a general leadership overview, to explore their individual leadership styles and set feasible goals for developing their management skills.

International Transport

This module provides a general overview of fundamentals of international trade and conveys in-depth knowledge about components and characteristics of international transport systems. Aspects of design and optimization of transport operations in international networks and supply chains are essential parts of the course content. A review of actors and regulations of international transport operations completes the module.

International Maritime Transport

International maritime transport is the backbone of globalization. For this reason, this module will deliver you an overview of the basic elements of international maritime transport; it will focus on the major shipping markets as well as on factors influencing it, such as the regulatory environment. As the shipping industry is one of the most globalized ones, issues of corporate responsibility will be of special importance.


Project Management

The purpose of this course is to help you to develop your project management skills by focusing on the issues in this field. The value of this is that today's organizations constantly outperform themselves in project management, becoming more and more competitive, thus creating the need for professionals in this field to understand and apply basic principles of project management in their career.

International Sourcing and Procurement Logistics

You will learn about the challenges of sourcing and procurement logistics in the global business environment. Most common issues in business practices will be discussed in this course, as well as strategies, methods and tools for solving practical problems in international business. The module will contribute to an in-depth understanding of strategies and processes of int. sourcing and logistics in global business. As part of this module, an integrated framework for supply management will be developed.

Logistics Networks

This module is dedicated to logistics network design from procurement of raw materials to all tiers of production to reaching to the customer. After discussing objectives and decisions, key design options will be presented. You will be familiarized with modeling and solving logistics problems using off-the shelf optimization software. Site selection will be discussed in depth as one of the key factors in network design. Lectures, teamwork and independent study phases will support your learning process. You will graduate this module with expanded knowledge about supplychain management.

International Leadership (elective)

The main objective of the module Leadership is to give you general leadership overview, to explore your individual leadership styles and set feasible goals for developing your management skills.

Master Thesis

At the end of the MBA program there is the master thesis with 30 ECTS, which has to be written in English. As a rule, the entire 3rd term is dedicated to the thesis. To prepare you, each university offers a thorough, interactive three-day workshop that underpins the required research skills with analytical and scientific methods.

Alongside this, your Master's thesis supervisors will support you. IBSA students in the Logistics & Supply Chain Management specialization are therefore required to find two supervisors, usually two of your lecturers. It is also possible to write your master thesis in cooperation with a company. This requires a bit more preparation for the selection and contacting of potential companies.

Faculty of the International MBA, Specialization International Logistics & Supply Chain Management

Course lecturers International MBA (Specialization International Logistics & Supply Chain Management)

Prof. Dr. Frank Fürstenberg
Program Director, International Transport

Portrait of Verena Beckhusen

Verena Beckhusen
International Maritime Transport

Prof. Dr. Frank Giesa

Prof. Dr. Frank Giesa
International Sourcing & Procurement Logistics

Prof. Dr. Gerhard Hilmer

Prof. Dr. Iven Krämer
International Maritime Transport

Prof. Dr. Helga Meyer
Academic Writing

Rainer Sappa
Project Management

Dr. Ernst Schröder

Prof. Dr. Martin Schwardt
Business Analytics

Michael Tasto
International Maritime Transport

Prof. Dr. Elke Wietoska
International Transport

Focus: Logistics & Supply Chain Management

Get in contact with our Program Coordination and our International Student Assistance

Usanie Dennerlein, Program Coordination

Robert Campbell Rennie, International Student Assistance

Dr. Frank Fürstenberg, Program Director

IGC Newsletter Registration

International Graduate Center Newsletter
IMPORTANT: Please confirm registration by e-mail!

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