Internationality & partnerships

International and open-minded

In acordance with the profile of the Hochschule Bremen HSB University of Applied Sciences, the International Graduate Center stands for internationality, consistent orientation towards practice and continuing education in the sense of lifelong learning. With currently about 300 students from more than 40 nations, our campus in the heart of the city offers a unique intercultural diversity and at the same time a very personal, familiar environment with a variety of opportunities to meet.

IGC has a number of partner universities around the world for each degree program, to which cooperations and excursions are firmly anchored in the curriculum. In addition, IGC is a partner of the International Business School Alliance (IBSA) with four partner universities (in the USA, Spain, France and Germany), which together offer the unique dual degree program International MBA.

My best experience at IGC

IGC partner

Excerpt from the joint declaration of Bremen's scientific institutions dated 19.01.2024

We stand for democracy, academic freedom, pluralism, and respectful interaction with one another at Bremen's academic institutions.

Our employees and students have a variety of migration histories and it is their commitment that enables us to carry out our tasks in research, teaching, administration, and operations.

Students also represent our future in all areas of society. Our employees and students are indispensable to us, and we want to be an attractive and stable employer for them as well as a vibrant place to study in a liberal-minded region.

We are committed to this together – with this declaration and in our daily interactions and communication with each other.


You can find the complete declaration on the HSB website.




TV report from NDR television

buten un binnen visits the International Graduate Center

To mark the statement, buten un binnen* ran a three-minute segment on January 19, "Bremen universities issue statement for democracy and diversity".

The editorial team also visited the International Graduate Center, specifically a lecture during  the Global Management course. The report is in German and starts at minute 3.19.

*buten un binnen is a television program produced by the public broadcaster Radio Bremen. It is the regional and local magazine for the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen for Bremen and Bremerhaven.



IGC impressions

three female students in gowns taking a selfie Throwing of the hats of IGC graduates Student on the stairs inside the IGC building