20 Years IGC: Two Decades of Success

IGC was founded in 2004 by HSB Hochschule Bremen – City University of Applied Sciences with the aim of offering excellent English-language Master's and MBA programs to international students – and we remain committed to that goal today.

IGC Study Programs

The first course offered was the part-time MBA, which began in 1995, making it older than IGC itself. Subsequently, the MBA in Global Management was introduced in 1997, followed by the Master in European Studies in 1999. The International MBA and the MBA in International Tourism Management were launched in 2003 followed by the Master in Aeronautical Management in 2004 and the MBA in European/Asian Management in 2014. Meanwhile, IGC also offered part-time Master's programs in Business Management and Cultural Management. The Master Management – Digitalization and Transformation is brand new since 2024. Overall, more than 2,400 students have graduated from IGC so far.


The first IGC Campus was located at Süderstraße 2 – about 550 meters from the current location at Langemarckstraße, where IGC has been located since 2019.

After two years of renovation and expansion, the historic building at Langemarckstraße 113 was officially opened in 2019.

Interested in seeing the inside of our building? Take a Virtual Campus Tour!

More Milestones

  • 2014: IGC joins the Business Education Alliance of the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB), a US accreditation agency that has been established internationally since 1916 for the quality assessment of business schools and their degree programs.

  • 2017: IGC becomes a member of the European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD). Founded in 1972, this global non-profit organization is dedicated to management development and is recognized worldwide as an accreditation body for business schools, business school programs, and corporate universities.

  • 2022: IGC’s International MBA (Dual Degree) program receives the prestigious EFMD accreditation. It is only the second MBA program in Germany to be awarded this accreditation seal and can count itself among the world's best MBA programs.


Not only the location, but also the IGC logo has changed over the years.


Graduation ceremonies have always been the highlight of the academic year at IGC - for students and staff alike. They have taken place in the Metropol Theater Bremen, the Boulevardtheater Bremen and the concert hall "Die Glocke", among others.

Here's to the next 20 years!

Graduation 2015

Graduation 2015

Graduation 2016

Graduation 2016

Graduation 2017

Graduation 2017

Graduation 2018

Graduation 2018

Graduation 2019

Graduation 2019

Graduation 2020

Graduation 2020

Graduation 2021

Graduation 2021

Graduation 2022

Graduation 2022

Graduation 2023

Graduation 2023

Graduation 2024

Graduation 2024