Formalities and Exams

Regulations for the Master degree programs of the HSB

The following regulations are the legal basis for your studies at the International Graduate Center (IGC). The different forms are currently available in German only. They contain your rights and obligations as a student:in at the IGC which is part of Hochschule Bremen City University of Applied Sciences (HSB). Since the regulations are currently not yet available in English, please feel free to contact our Admissions Office if you have any questions.


Admission Office IGC

Björn Anders

T.: +49 421 5905-4782



General Master Examination Regulations of the City University of Applied Sciences (HSB)
Digital Examination Regulations
Admission Regulations of the HSB (German version)
Admission Regulations of the HSB (note: The translation of the admission regulations is not legally binding, the German admission regulations apply.)


Subject-specific Master's examination regulations of the HSB:

Master Examination Regulations MBA in Global Management

Master Examination Regulations International Master of Business Administration

Master Examination Regulations MBA in International Tourism Management

Master Examination Regulations MBA European/Asian Management

Master Examination Regulations Master European Studies

Master Examination Regulations Master of Engineering Aeronautical Management

Fee schedule for the Postgraduate Master Programs at the International Graduate Center

Amendment of the annexes to the fee schedule (April,18th 2024)

Fee schedule before 2023

Fee schedule 2023 (German version)

Fee schedule 2023 (English version, note: The translation of the Fee Regulations is not legally binding, the German Fee Regulations apply)