Master in European Studies

Your gateway to Europe's Administrations

Key facts

Degree Master of Arts
Study start October
Application deadline

on request

Accreditation ZEvA
  • Bachelor's degree in Law, Politics, Business/Economics or related or interdisciplinary courses of study, e.g. International Relations
  • Usually a minimum of 1 year of relevant experience after the 3rd semester of the first degree
  • High English proficiency (IELTS 6.0, or TOEFL iBT min. 80)
  • Letter of motivation
  • Letter of recommendation
  • All documents must be provided in English
  • Sufficient financial resources for tuition fees and living costs in Bremen
Language English
Duration & Type 2 semester / Full-time
Group size max. 25 students
Tuition fees

€11,000 with full payment or €11,500 in total with monthly installments (for details please check our payment plan)*

*plus €350 student- and semesterticket twice a year.

Important change!

The Master in European Studies will no longer be offered at IGC. From now on, the program will be offered by the Faculty of International Business at Hochschule Bremen. It is expected to restart in the summer semester 2025. Check the Faculty website for more information and application. Please note that it is no longer possible to apply through IGC.

In case of any questions please contact Program Director Prof. Dr. Christiane Trüe: or use the contact form.


Your Master European Studies

Intensive preparation for your career in or connected with the EU with the master in European studies

The Master's Program European Studies at the International Graduate Center is a practice-oriented postgraduate course. You will take modules in public and private management, law, economics, management and politics – always with a view to the European Union. After the introductory weeks at the IGC we offer the Intensive Seminar in Brussels where you will obtain an inside glance of the EU institutions and of interacting public and private enterprises and organizations. This study visit is organized collectively with our partner institutions from Riga and Western Switzerland in the 3D Network.

To help you prepare for your career in an EU institution, diplomatic career, a career in government or administration in one of the member states, partner states or in undertakings in the EU or dealing with partners in the EU, or an academic career, you will study core modules on the EU institutions, EU Business law, Economic integration, EU funding, Public and Private Management, and the EU as a Global Player, as well as have the opportunity to participate in a development program or take a unit in intercultural management, group processes or personal skills training. The career opportunities of graduates of the Master’s Degree in European Studies range from positions at EU institutions, executive positions in the private and public sectors to lobby activities and political posts.



Plan to work for the EU? The master European Studies offer many job opportunities in the EU in the coming years. The average age of EU civil servants in the EU institutions is about 57 years. So: The EU needs you, the young generation of EU citizens! We prepare you.

Your Master in European Studies prepares you for positions in EU Institutions, International Organizations/NGOs, the Civil service and Foreign Service as well as for consulting activities or an academic career.

International graduates can prepare their next career step thanks to Germany's Job-Seeking Visa.



  • International Student Assistance (ISA)
  • English Master-Programm
  • Close contact with EU representatives
  • Intensive seminar in Brussels
  • "Meet the Europeans" program
  • International network
  • Free German language course (optional)

We are here for you!

Program Director
Prof. Dr. Christiane Trüe
T: +49 421 5905-4762

Course of studies

This master program consists of seven taught modules, 5 taught modules in the winter semester and 2 taught modules in the summer semester, plus Master Thesis in the summer semester.


Institutions, Policy-Making and Regions in the EU

  • Institutions, Policy-Making and Regions in the EU

  • European Integration and Multi-Level Governance

  • Challenges of EU Integration

You will learn about the EU institutions, policy making in EU and the role of the regions. You will understand the integration process, speak about power and democracy in the political system of the EU and discuss the diverse crises of the EU. 


EU Business Law

  • EU Business Law I
  • Intellectual Property Law
  • Non Discrimination in EU Labour Law
  • European Environmental Law

You will acquire an understanding of the contents and structure of the "aquis communautaire." You shall be enabled to work with EU law, using the principles and the basic techniques developed by the European Court of Justice in order to solve typical law cases in the field of EU business and administrative law. 

European Economic Integration

  • European Economic Integration I
  • Competition Policy in the EU
  • Transition Economies
  • Current Economic Affairs in the EU

You will learn some basic facts and the essence of the economic integration theory and practice and understand the relevance of competition law and competition policy for the functioning of the single european market. You will also learn about the role of industrial, trade and environmental policy and understand the challenges for the transition of centrally planned economies to free markets and the developments in international trade.

Management of Funds

  • Regional Economics and Structural Funds in the EU
  • Management of Funds

In this seminar we will give an overview of EU funding programs, providing an introduction to regional economics and an overview of EU structural funds and their use. We will let you gain practical insight in European procedures as well as letting you being part of the Europe Week Bremen.

European Public and Private Management I

  • Intensive seminar in Brussels
  • Communication in practice
  • International project management

We will introduce you to the dynamics of the EU in Brussels, the concepts of intercultural management and international team building, as well as various aspects of German life, the German economy and its history. In addition, this seminar will explain public communication / PR and communication policy within the EU as well as the basics of project management.

The EU as a Global Player

  • External Relations, Trade and Development Policy
  • EU-US Relations
  • EU-Asia Relations

You will gain an overview of external relations, trade and development policy which will discuss the role of the EU in global affairs. You will also analyse its potential to use this role.

European Public and Private Management II

  • Expanding Your Business Across Borders
  • Marketing in the EU
  • Strategic Management in the EU
  • Human Resource Management
  • Starting Your Own Business
  • Career Planning

Master Thesis

At the end of the Master seminar you will be aware of topical issues and developments in current EU policy making which will help you to choose a suitable and manageable Master thesis topic. You should be able to plan and write a thesis, be aware of academic writing standards including non-plagiarism rules, and be able to do independent research. Emphasis is put on the value of original, critical thinking and individual and independent research. In the master thesis you will have to deal intensively with a research project or case study and put it in writing in the form of a scientific paper. You can attend an optional 22-week internship (also in combination with the master thesis) after completion of module 1-7. With a professionally relevant internship and a written scientific internship report (15-20 pages), you can obtain 30 ECTS credits.

Get in contact with the Study Director

Professor Dr. Christiane Trüe, LL.M., Program Director

Prof. Dr. Christiane Trüe LL.M. (East Anglia) is Professor for Public Law, in particular constitutional and administrative law, including European Union law, at the University of Applied Sciences in Bremen. She is Program Director of the Master in European Studies program since 2016. She has published monographs and articles in the areas of her denomination, as well as in international, EU, German and Chinese environmental and energy law. Her professional experience includes the civil service of one of the federal states in Germany as well as practising as an advocate in international law firms, her academic experience scholarly work at the Universities of Marburg and Göttingen in Germany and work as a German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) lecturer at an English University (East Anglia).

For academic questions please schedule a zoom-appointment:




"Since 1999, the Master in European Studies Program has been preparing students for leadership roles in the private and public sector. Small intercultural groups allow individual treatment and close contacts to our international lecturers and staff. Join our international student body and benefit from our long experience."

Prof. Dr. Christiane Trüe, Program Director