MBA International Tourism Management

This program is designed for people passionate about tourism and the travel industry!

Passionate about tourism and the travel industry?

Turn your passion into a career and make a difference in the world of tourism management! The MBA in International Tourism Management is an exciting and challenging program designed to equip you with the knowledge, skills and real-world experience you need to succeed as a leader in the fast-paced and dynamic world of tourism.

With a focus on both theoretical and practical learning, you will gain a deep understanding of the latest trends and best practices in the industry, and learn how to apply them in real-world situations. With a strong emphasis on hands-on learning and collaboration, you will have the opportunity to work on real-world projects, network with industry professionals and engage with leading experts in the field.

Key Facts

Degree Master of Business Administration
Study start November 2024
Application deadline

July 31, 2024

Accreditation Hochschule Bremen
  • 10% business related subjects in prior Bachelor studies
  • A minimum of 1 year of relevant experience after first degree
  • High English proficiency (IELTS 6.0, or TOEFL iBT min. 80)
  • Letter of Motivation
  • All documents must be provided in English
  • Sufficient financial resources for tuition fees and living costs in Bremen
Language English
Duration & type 3 semester / full-time
Group size approx. 25 students
Tuition fees €14,000 with full payment or €14,500 in total with monthly installments

Course of Studies

Introduction to Tourism Management

This module introduces you to the disciplinary foundations of tourism management. It will examine key economic, sociocultural, and technological issues and considerations associated with tourism development. Practical exercises and case studies will link the theoretical considerations to the world of practice.



Intercultural Management in Tourism Contexts

The module will introduce you to the basic concepts of intercultural management and communication and will train your intercultural communication and interaction skills. Real world cases will help you to develop a diverse and robust understanding of intercultural issues in an organizational setting.



Corporate Social Responsibility

  • Ethic
  • Sustainability
  • Human Resource Management

This module aims to provide you with subject-focused, methodological as well as key competencies. You are supposed to know and comprehend different viewpoints and opinions with regards to the main thematic foci ethics, sustainability and sustainable development. In “Human Resource Management”, you will be familiarised with the management of human resources in an international context.


Tourism Marketing

This module will familiarize you with approaches to planning, controlling and organising marketing activities. You will gain an understanding of the special characteristics of marketing in the tourism market, particularly destination marketing, market segmentation and market positioning.

Strategic Planning & Strategies in Tourism

  • Marketing research
  • Strategic management approaches

Strategic Planning includes marketing research that enables you to analyse data and apply statistical analyses and "Development and Implementation of Strategy" after what you will have a solid understanding of the most common strategic management approaches as well as their pros, cons, and limitations.


Finance & Accounting in the Tourism Industry

In this module you will be acquainted with the fundamentals of financial management, covering topics such as firm valuation, financing, investments, as well as risk management, and with basic accounting fundamentals, concepts and standards and how to apply them to the tourism industry.

Legal & Tax Aspects in Tourism

The module provides you with practical insights on how to comply with legal and tax obligations and manage risk in the tourism industry. It includes real-world case studies and interactive discussions to help participants apply the concepts to practical scenarios.

International Project Management in Tourism

This module provides you with an overview of the project management process specifically tailored for the tourism industry. It covers all the key elements of project management and provides hands-on experience in the use of project management tools and techniques, including project scheduling, resource allocation, and risk management.

Applied Tourism Project

This module is designed to give students the opportunity to apply their learning to a tourism-related project and develop practical skills in project management, research, and problem-solving while working as a team, from the initial stages of project planning to final presentation and evaluation.


The Electives will allow students to specialize in specific areas of interest, to develop advanced skills and knowledge, and thereby to tailor their education to individual career goals and to gain a competitive advantage in the job market. All courses provide hands-on experience and real-world applications, and may include guest lectures, field trips, and industry projects.

Master Thesis

The purpose of the courses is to complete a research project in the form of a Master Thesis on a chosen topic, culminating students’ experiences in the program and validating them as master practitioners. Based upon the thesis proposal and under supervision from faculty, students will complete their thesis writing and orally defend their thesis.

Internship (optional)

Students can attend an optional 20-week internship (also in combination with the master thesis) with a company or organization that is from the tourism industry or involved with tourism activities after the completion of the first 10 modules. If it is a professionally relevant internship and includes a written scientific internship report (15-20 pages), students can obtain 30 extra ECTS credits.

Course Lecturers

Dr. Hugo Gaggiotti
Human Resources and Diversity Management

Prof. Dr. Mayank Kumar Golpewar
Culture and Cross-cultural Management

Dr. Gerhard Hillmer

Dr. Nadia Ianeva
Institutions, Policy-making and Region in the EU/Asia; International Business Law

Dr. Mihaela Jucan
Social Media Marketing & Management; Communication & Presentation; Academic Writting

Dr. Hubert Joo Kitano
International Accounting, Entrepreneurship

Prof. Dr. Philip Maloney
Strategic Management

Dr. Amit Mitra
Business Analytics

Dr. Thor Möller
International Project Management

Julian Oehling
Non-Financial Risk Management

Leonard Pust

Dr. Ernst Schröder

Prof. Dr. Mechthild Schrooten

Prof. Dr. Mechthild Schrooten
The EU/Asia in the Global Economy

Prof. Dr. Armin Varmaz
Financial Risk Management

Dr. Christopher Wintzer
International Taxation

Dr. Axel Zein