Saying Goodbye
Naturally, you will have a roller coaster of feelings inside of you once the moment is finally there. On the one hand you are looking forward, you are excited and also nervous, on the other hand you feel the sadness and anxiety that a longer separation from your beloved home can cause. Hint number three: Allow yourself all those feelings, do not try to subdue or deny them. It is a huge step in your life, you are allowed to have your heart in your boots for a moment. Say goodbye to all the people who are important to you. Show them respect and appreciation for what they have done for you. Be aware that by the time you come back, a few years will have passed at home as well. Many things might not have changed, but some will. Also, you will have changed and come back home as more mature, experienced people with a completely different horizon.
The Adventure Begins
There is hardly anything more exciting than leaving home and go out into the great wide world for the first time. The tingling in your stomach, the excitement and also the dull feeling of expectation as well as a significant amount of insecurity all together form a cocktail of emotions that is really something else. Our fourth hint for you helps in this kind of situation: Make the best of it, full speed ahead! Enjoy this adventure to the fullest, take everything in that living this new chapter has to offer. Of course, part of it is the occasional full portion of homesickness, that is completely normal. The remedy for that is simply keeping in touch with your loved ones at home on a regular basis, for example via Skype or WhatsApp. You don’t need to exaggerate, even if friends and relatives would like it that way. Let’s face it, one is not going abroad in order to be on video chat every day. Just find a healthy medium and don’t let the people at home occupy you too much. The best way to accomplish that is a fixed plan for regular calls, that provides security and more calmness on both sides.
We know how you probably are feeling right now, just remember, here in Bremen we are waiting for you and we will be more than happy to be your home away from Home! Welcome at the IGC!