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Int. Conference Economy for the Common Good 28.11.2019 - 30.11.2019

The first international conference on the topic Economy for the Common Good will take place from 28. - 30. November 2019 at the International Graduate Center

Hochschule Bremen in conjunction with the Research Council of the Economy for the common Good and the ECG Science and Research Hub has organized a 3 day conference with the theme “A Common Standard for a Pluralist World?” The conference being chaired by Prof. Dr. Tim Goydke welcomes contributions from any discipline, industry or organization in the private, public or non-profit sectors.

Venue: School of Graduate and Professional Studies, Hochschule Bremen, Langermarckstrasse 113, 28199 Bremen

Date: 28th to 30th November, 2019

Registration: At least one registration per paper is mandatory. Each paid registration covers one person’s attendance to the conference that includes: Conference materials, tea/coffee and lunch, the reception on Thursday night, and the social event on Friday evening.

For further details on the registration procedure, paper submissions and fees, please visit this page.