The India Study Center of the University of Applied Sciences Bremen, the Indian Consulate General in Hamburg and the Global Indian Community Network (GINCO) are organizing the "German Indian Business Leader Talk".
The Consul General of India in Hamburg, Madan Lal Raigar, will speak at the event. In addition, Chiara lo Faro, winner of the "Europe India Young Leader Award 2019", will give a lecture on the challenges and solutions of business relations between Europe and India. The founder and director of the Chitkara Spaak Center for Multidisciplinary European Studies at Chitkara University will then discuss the specificities of Europeans living and working in India.
Additionally, there will be a panel discussion with representatives from business, science and the Bremen administration titled "Universities and Companies between Europe and India". Finally, guests can enjoy a cultural program and dinner.
The event is to be understood as a further contribution to the networking of stakeholders from the economy in Bremen and India. It thus offers Bremen the potential to develop relations with the economically aspiring nation of India.
We hereby invite you to the event and would be pleased to welcome you to the event.
Further details about the program below:
Date: 26th September, 2019
Time: 14:00 – 20.00
Venue: Hochschule Bremen, AB Gebäude 10th floor – ‘Staffelgeschoss’, Neustadtswall 30, 28199 Bremen.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact:
Dr. Shazia Aziz Wülbers
Leiterin, India Study Centre
Neustadtswall 30
28199 Bremen
Tel.: +49 421 5905-3827
Fax: +49 421 5905-3169