MBA in Global Management

Key facts


MBA (Master of Business Administration) - 90-120 ECTS*

* Students acquire 90 ECTS. A further 30 ECTS can be acquired as part of a compulsory internship.

StartOctober (winter semester only)
Application deadlineMarch 31, 2025 - Apply now! 

HSB City University of Applied Sciences (public), AQAS


*210 ECTS are required for applicants from the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). Applicants from Europe with 180 ECTS can be admitted under the condition of a mandatory internship of at least 22 weeks as part of the study program, which can be completed in the 3rd semester. An equivalence check is carried out for all others.

Duration & Type3 semester / full-time on Campus in Bremen
Group sizeca. 25 students
Tuition fees & payment
Early Bird I: €14,900 in total* – until March 31, 2025
Early Bird II: €15,200 in total* – until May 31, 2025
Regular Fee: €15,900 in total – starting June 1, 2025

*Monthly installments available starting at: €1,200 
See our payment plan for details. 

plus €340 student- and semesterticket twice a year

[Translate to English:] Abschlussfeier der Studierenden des MBA Global Management
[Translate to English:] Abschlussfeier der Studierenden des MBA Global Management

Your MBA in Global Management

What is an MBA in Global Management?

An MBA in Global Management is an advanced degree program designed for professionals seeking to develop their leadership skills in an international context. This specialized MBA focuses on the complexities of managing businesses across borders, cultures, and diverse economic environments. The curriculum combines core MBA subjects like finance, project management, sustainable supply chain mangement, ethics, HR, and strategy with a strong emphasis on international business practices, cross-cultural communication, and global economic trends. Students gain a comprehensive understanding of how globalization impacts business operations and learn to navigate the challenges of the global marketplace. This program prepares graduates to lead multinational teams, develop global strategies, and make informed decisions in an increasingly interconnected world economy.


Why study MBA Global Management at IGC?

Global Focus: Gain a comprehensive understanding of international business practices
Diverse Environment: Learn alongside students from around the world
Expert Faculty: Benefit from instructors with extensive global business experience
Practical Approach: Apply your knowledge through case studies and an optional internship
Career Advancement: Prepare for leadership roles in multinational corporations, NGOs, owner-managed companies and more

Our MBA Global Management program is designed to equip you with the skills, knowledge, and network needed to thrive in today's interconnected business landscape. Whether you're aiming for a career in finance, human resources, logistics, marketing, or consulting, our curriculum provides the foundation for success in any global business environment.

Global market skills for an international career in business

You hold a bachelor degree and your aim is a master in global management?

The full-time MBA in Global Management at International Graduate Center (IGC) prepares you for leadership positions in the global economy. On the basis of research-based learning, experienced trainers from the private sector provide you with the necessary practical orientation. The course content prepares you for positions with leadership responsibility in marketing or sales, human resources, investment banking, accounting, logistics and supply chain management, consulting or the administration.

Download program flyer

Learn together with international fellow students from around the world

You learn both professional and soft skills systematically through group work and discussion in seminars and workshops. Since many of your fellow students come from different countries and 90% of the teaching staff at IGC has an international background, your intercultural skills are practiced intensively over the entire program. To strengthen your career perspectives you might want to consider an optional internship. 



An MBA in Global Management prepares you for management positions in all areas of business. A special focus of the IGC is the internationality and interculturality of the curriculum, students and faculty. You will acquire intercultural competence, which is increasingly in demand in companies and organizations. This applies to multinational corporations as well as medium-sized companies, public administration and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). International graduates can use Germany's job-seeking visa to prepare for their next career step.


Group photo of students of the MBA Global Management auf der Treppe im IGC Gebäude group of students at the annual IGC BBQ Graduates of the MBA in gowns posing for their group photo

Online Info Session on February 18, 2025

Study in Bremen, Germany: You've got questions? We've got the answers!

Register now!

We are here for you!

Program Coordination
Astrid Decker
P: +49 176 151 40 307

Course of studies

The MBA program is designed for three semesters. Semesters 1+2 comprise the lecture and exam phase of the program. In semester 3, the Master's Thesis is completed.


Business Analytics

  • Management Information Systems (MIS)
  • Quantitative Methods

The module Business Analytics provides you with knowledge about how to deal with "big data" and trains necessary analysis and research skills. You will acquire the competence to integrate knowledge and deal with complexity.

Corporate Social Responsibility

  • Business Ethics/Sustainable Development
  • Human Resources and Diversity Management

Ethics and sustainable development as well as human resources and diversity management are the subject of the module Corporate Social Responsibility. You will learn to take into account social or ethical knowledge resulting from the application of your knowledge and from past decisions.


Global Management

  • Strategic Management & Globalization
  • Organizing International & Global Business

The module Global Management will provide you with basic knowledge about global and strategic management, as well as it´s practical application. You will learn to define and interpret the specifics, boundaries, terminologies and teachings in this area.

International Financial Management

  • Global Finance
  • International Accounting

The module International Financial Management provides a basic understanding of financial management. You will acquire knowledge in order to understand the complex interconnectedness of finance and cost management in an international context.

Professional Development

  • Culture and Cross-cultural Management
  • Personal Skills Development

The module Professional Development will deepen your awareness and ability to communicate and act in an international and intercultural environment. You will be given the opportunity to exchange experiences with laypersons and laymen from different cultural contexts and to convey this application-related knowledge. 

Global Economics

  • Trade Theory & Policy
  • International Capital Markets and Exchange Rates

The module Global Economics is devoted to imparting knowledge of real and monetary foreign economic theory and policy. The students acquire a critical understanding of global economic inter-relations on the current state of knowledge.

International Legal & Tax Framework

  • International Business Law
  • International Taxation Systems

The module International Legal & Tax Framework focusses on the area of ​​law (contract, company, labor law) and provides knowledge about tax systems and tax aspects in internationally operating companies, which can be applied by you in an application and/or research-oriented way.

Logistics and Sustainable Supply Chain Management

  • Logistics & Operations Management
  • Sustainable Supply Chain

As outcome of this module you will be able to make decisions about adequate solutions for logistics problems, implement a global supply chain for a company and manage it. And Outline energy consuming activities and potential sources of emissions from transport and Identify measures, asses sustainability and suggest responsible logistic Compose strategies towards sustainable development of supply chains.

Project and Quality Management

  • Projects in International Business
  • Process and Quality Management

In the Project and Quality Management module, case studies provide an introduction to international project, process and quality management. You will gain the competence to use your knowledge and your ability to solve problems in new and unfamiliar situations.


  • Entrepreneurship
  • Business Risk Management
  • Digital Transformation: Blockchain & Social Media
  • Leadership

In the Elective you may choose a specialist area from the IGC's offers, in which you acquire a detailed and critical understanding of the latest state of knowledge.

Master Thesis Seminar


The master thesis seminar prepares you for the master thesis, including the standards of scientific work, the function of a master thesis in the program context, methods for searching literature and the rules for the prevention of plagiarism.

Master Thesis

During the master thesis seminar you will have to deal intensively with a research or case study project and put this down in the form of a scientific work in writing.

Faculty of the MBA Global Management

Course lecturers MBA Global Management

Portrait of Prof. Dr. Mechthild Schrooten, Program Director MBa Global Management

Prof. Dr. Mechthild Schrooten
Program Director, Global Economics

Dr. Joy Alemazung
Human Resources & Diversity Management

Portrait of Gerhard Feldmeier, Professor of Economics & International Managemen

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Gerhard Feldmeier
Global Economics

Prof. Dr. Frank Fürstenberg
Logistics & Sustainable Supply Chain Management

Prof. Dr. Kai Havekost
Global Management

Prof. Dr. Sabrina Hegner
Culture & Cross-cultural Management

Dr. Mihaela Jucan

Dr. Mihaela Jucan
Personal Skills Development

Dr. Hubert Joo Kitano
International Accounting und International Taxation Systems

Dr. Amit Mitra
Business Analytics

Jörg Pieper
Business Ethics

Rainer Sappa
Project and Quality Management

Photo Prof. Dr. Lydia Scholz

Prof. Dr. Lydia Scholz
International Business Law

[Translate to English:] Joerg Pieper

Jörg Pieper
Business Ethics

Information for students

A warm welcome! We look forward to welcoming you as a student of the MBA program Global Management. Here you will find important information and things worth knowing for your start of your studies with us.



Program Coordination

"Do you aim to make an impact in worldwide business and seek for an exceptional international education on which you can build your further life and career? Then, our MBA in Global Management is the right choice. You will develop lasting connections with classmates and faculty from all over the world, due to small class sizes and interactive teaching and learning. What makes the program unique is the blend of top-notch management education, a strong practice-orientation and cross-cultural experience, both inside and outside class."

Prof. Dr. Mechthild Schrooten, Program Director