International MBA: Dual Degree

Key Facts

DegreeInternational MBA (Master of Business Administration)
Study startOctober
Application deadlineMarch 31, 2025 - Apply now!
AccreditationHSB City University of Applied Sciences (public), EFMD-accredited

*210 ECTS are required for applicants from the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). Applicants from Europe with 180 ECTS can be admitted under the condition that 30 ECTS can be completed during the degree program according to agreement with the program director, this can be completed in the 3rd semester. An equivalence check is carried out for all others.

Duration & Type3 semesters / full-time on Campus
Group sizeapprox. 25 students
Tuition feesapprox. €17,000 (depending on partner university) plus an additional semester fee of roughly €340 per semester at IGC
Monthly payments available (for details please check our payment plan)
[Translate to English:] Studierende des International MBA Programms
[Translate to English:] Studierende des International MBA Programms

Your Dual Degree Program: International MBA

Benefit from a prestigious university network

International Business School Alliance (IBSA)

IGC is part of the International Business School Alliance (IBSA), a global network of four partner universities. IBSA's Dual Degree Master's Program qualifies future leaders to work in the field of general management. During your first term (4 months), you will learn the fundamentals of international business in core modules such as Multinational Financial Management, Business Analytics or Global Marketing Strategies. These modules form the basis of the dual degree and are identical in structure at all partner institutions. Please note that you must apply to the university where you wish to spend your first term.

During the second term, you can choose from the following specializations:

Once you have been admitted to the first university of your choice you can choose a specialization from any of the remaining partner universities. Free choice of location for the core modules: Students of the International MBA can start the Dual Degree Program –depending on their preferred study location and specialization– either at the IGC in Bremen or at one of the partner universities.

If you want to spend the first semester at the IGC, you will apply in Bremen. If you are interested in Logistics specialization in Bremen, you will apply to one of the partner universities. You will complete your studies by writing your master's thesis in the third term (4-months fast-track). The cost of the program is approxiamately €17,000.

International Accreditation

Since September 2022 our International MBA is internationally accredited! Founded in 1972, EFMD is a global, non-profit, membership-based organization dedicated to management development. It is recognized worldwide as an accrediting body for business schools, business school programs and corporate universities. Our international MBA program is only the second MBA program in Germany to receive this accreditation seal and can thus count itself among the world's best MBA programs.



Your International MBA prepares you for all positions in international companies:

  • General management
  • Operations / logistics
  • Finance / investments
  • Project management
  • Business development
  • Executive management
  • Consultancy

International graduates can prepare their next career step thanks to Germany's Job-Seeking Visa.



  • 2 degrees: MBA & Master
  • Fast track option: 2 countries, 1 year
  • Choice from different specializations
  • International network
  • Free German language course (optional)
  • International Student Assistance (ISA)

Online Info Session on February 18, 2025

Study in Bremen, Germany: You've got questions? We've got the answers!

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We are here for you!

Program Coordination
Usanie Dennerlein
T: +49 176 151 40 305


Course of Studies

During your academic year, you will study in two countries and earn two degrees. In your first term (four months), you will study business basics; in the second, you will specialize in your area of expertise at one of the IBSA partner universities where you will also write your thesis.

IBSA partners:


Business Analytics

This module aims to introduce students to business analytics concepts required to understand contemporary business challenges. Analytical techniques will be applied to assess and resolve some of the complex challenges faced by business professionals in global industries.


Global Strategic Analysis

In this core module, students understand strategic business planning: This module introduces students to global business challenges and the methods used to address them, through careful review of effective managerial techniques, in order to ensure a winning international business strategy.


Global Marketing Strategies

You will gain skill and confidence in developing strong marketing plans for global business. The course addresses marketing performance in a global context; assesses differences in country environments; and applies techniques for international market segmentation, entry strategies, risk analysis, and comprehensive marketing plans.


Human Resource Management in the Global Environment

Students investigate critical human resource management (HRM) topics within this module. The aim is to examine relevant elements of HRM as they relate to global business, organizational policies, and standard management practices.

Multinational Financial Management

The goal of the course is to train highly effective global managers who have advanced analytical and decision-making skills essential for conducting successful business across borders.


Focus: International Logistics & Supply Chain Management

Your specialization at the International Graduate Center, Germany. Please find all course module descriptions here.

International Finance & Investments

Your specialization at the University of North Carolina (UNCW), US. Please find all course module descriptions here.


Focus: International Marketing

Your specialization at the University of Valencia, Spain. Please find all course module descriptions here.

Focus: International & Sustainable Management

Your specialization at ESSCA School of Management, Paris, France. Please find all course module descriptions here.

Master Thesis

The Master Thesis Seminar covers standards in academic writing, the function of the Master Thesis within the programme context, approaches to find an adequate research question for the final thesis, strategic issues and questions regarding personal goals and career planning, cooperation with companies and business practice for writing the thesis, originality of the thesis topic, approach to literature research, literature originality issues and plagiarism rules, the writing a mock-thesis. Master Thesis involves the students in actually engaging in the research or case study project and writing and finalising the thesis paper.

Faculty of the International MBA (Core Modules)

Course lecturers International MBA (Core Modules)

Prof. Dr. Kai Havekost
Global Strategic Analysis

Portrait of Prof. Dr. Stephen Hill

Prof. Dr. Stephen Hill
Business Analytics

Portrait of Prof. Dr. Christian Schuchardt

Prof. Dr. Christian Schuchardt
Global Marketing Strategies

Portrait of Professor Dr. Carola Spiecker-Lampe

Prof. Dr. Carola Spiecker-Lampe
Multinational Financial Management

Prof. Dr. José Luis Vallejo Garcia
Human Resource Management in the Global Environment

Portrait of Dr. Markus Wienbreyer

Dr. Markus Wienbreyer
Multinational Financial Management

Informationen for students

Welcome! We are happy to welcome you as a student of the International MBA program! You can find helpful information about IGC and Bremen in our study guide.


Get in contact with our Program Coordinator and Study Director

Usanie Dennerlein, Program Coordination

Phone:+49 421 59054456

Mobile: +49 176 1514 0305


Dr. Frank Fürstenberg, Program Director