Students doing yoga

Doing sports in Bremen

Among the many questions you are probably asking yourself when you know that you are coming to a new country is: Where can I work out? What type of sports can I do? Do I need to sign a contract? In this article we will tell you a little more about the world of possibilities you have at your feet to keep fit while you are studying in Bremen. We promise you that there is something for every taste and for every type of athlete.


Bremen is known for being a city with many parks and lots of greenery. Each of them can become your perfect jogging track. Routes of three, five, ten or more kilometers can be done without any problem, and you can always improve and/or change your goal to a higher one. You have for example the whole Bürgerpark where every day you can do a different route, as well as jogging along the Werdersee or the Osterdeich. Let your inspiration fly and with a little help from Google Maps you will find your perfect route.


Hochschulsport is the sport offered by the university for all students in Bremen. In these classes you can not only learn new fitness modalities but also have a lot of fun while meeting new students from other majors. They offer a wide range of possibilities from hip hop or hula hoop classes to pilates, volleyball, tennis among others. Not only do they offer different types of dance classes or martial arts but also group games like rugby, lacrosse or water sports. Each course is once a week at a certain time and lasts for a whole semester. The great thing about it all is that students registered at IGC only pay half price. The total amount is paid in one lump sum and includes the entire semester. Prices range from 14 to 65 euros per semester (student price). We always recommend that you sign up as soon as the semester starts as all the activities are very popular and places fill up very quickly. We promise you that there is something for everyone and that you will find something you want to try. There are different types of classes at different times and on different days so you can easily set up your schedule according to your availability. More information can be found here

Fitness studios

The option we are all familiar with is the gym. In Bremen there are many gyms available, you can simply look for the one closest to you and register. There are gyms that are open 24 hours a day, every day of the year, making it easy for you to train whenever you want. The only important thing to consider is the time of closing the contract. As you may have noticed, Germans love contracts! Most of the contracts have a duration of 18 to 24 months. And if you forget to resign in time, they will be extended for another period. Some gyms allow you to sell your membership to someone else, so you can get out of the contract early. You can close a gym membership from 19,99 Euros per month. There are also gyms that offer even more at a slightly higher price like sauna, shakes, massage, etc.

Home workouts

During the pandemic this way of training gained a lot of followers and is definitely here to stay. There are more and more apps and online programs that you can join or even perform numerous training programs with trainers who upload their training videos to YouTube for free, so you don't have to pay for them and you can do them from the comfort of your home.
Now you know what you can do in your free time and how to stay in shape! Don't forget besides training to eat a balanced diet and drink plenty of fluids! ;-)